Coronavirus Post

“Hey there!” was what I had to say for 4 days the last week while I was working in the vintage store. I was so afraid someone will get coronavirus, but at the same time I needed to show everything was good for the costumers. Last weekend was a very special one.

On Thursday I talked with my boyfriend and we decided it was crazy for him to travel from Peru to England. In that moment there was no restriction to travel between those countries, but everything was changing so fast we needed to make our own decisions. Two days later the Peruvian government decided to close the borders and cancel every single flight. No one could get out nor get in, no matter if you were Peruvian or not you were stuck in the country you were. The bad thing about that decision was that Peruvians out of the country in vacation or business trips were left to their luck with no answers of the government. The good things about it were that no more people would come inside Peru to spread the virus.

We have to understand that Peru is a poor country; having only 400 UCI beds for the whole country and mainly those beds are in the capital city. Another fact is that more than 3 millions of persons dont have access to water making it more difficult to vulnerable areas. Things are difficult back home and at the same time people with so many privileges instead of helping they are posting the good things about quarantine. I get that some of us are privileged; having the access to water and having money to buy food and mostly because we have worked for that, but a lot of them does not have access to education neither to basic things. Sometimes you just need to keep it to yourself.

Our government is trying to help everyone. They have inject 30 millions to different areas; health, vulnerable zones, policemen and more. They are giving 100 pounds to the poorest families, so they wont go out to work. This sounds little but we do not have the same economy as other countries and I am sure there are worst countries than mine.

Is really sad to watch the news now a days. I feel i know everything about coronavirus and yet I cannot do anything. On Thursday 19th the worst happened in Peru. The first death from coronavirus happened and then 2 more. One old person of 62 died in his house by himself because the health system didnt approach in the time he expected too. I woke up today and I am trying 100% to move, dance do some exercise and try to focus in my own projects but it is difficult to stop caring about others.

It is difficult not to be home with the ones you love. It sucks that I could be helping older people with their grocery shopping or with their meds. Thats why my friend Brisa (Peruvian as well living in London) send me a link about volunteer for doing those things in your area. I already sign in. I know a lot of persons die every single day and it sucks, but I guess it is different when you know you can be spreading that fucking virus to a lot of people.

Today is my 6th day of self-isolation.

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